Troll Under The Bridge

What Bridge Trolls really get up to.

Y'know, I woke up one morning, and I don’t know why I ended up on the floor,
it was right next to the bed.
Oh well, we all know waking up on the floor means you've had a good night.
Just a shame you can't really remember most of it.
I ventured to my camera and it appears I did indeed use it.
It also appears I somewhat overused it, so I'm just going to use a slide show for now:

I do remember the odd bits, and I'd just like to say that the locals are all very loud,
but very fun to be with indeed!
I love the Irish music,
It's so happy and flamboyant, I would really love to live there.
(I wonder if I can find an unoccupied bridge near by...)

The next step of my journey was to explore the wonderful country side of Ireland.
I wondered if I'd see any of those magical green midgets I hear about.


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About Me

I live under a bridge in a land dubbed Southampton! Under my little bridge, I love to troll the net, program, and play games.
